Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm Stronger Than I Realize

This was the way I was feeling at the beginning of the year... unfortunately, I didn't get very good surprises.

I am feeling ok today. 
Today I had an appointment with my Rheumatology Nurse Practitioner. She is an amazing lady! I always feel better when I walk out of there. :)
She also has an idea to potentially help with the water weight: Lymphatic Drainage. It sounds interesting. I don't know a lot about it, but the idea seems to be stimulating my muscles so they will release the water in my tissue back in to my bloodstream and that will, in theory, help get rid of the water. And if all that happens is it switches to my bloodstream, well then we will be able to use a diuretic! So it seems to be a win win.
The only concern is whether there would be any problem with my heart handling the changes as well as my body handling the change in blood volume. So, more to come on that later.

The rest of the afternoon I spent with my mom. We went to Noodles  and Company, Barnes and Noble, and then Target.
I made it through the whole afternoon! And that is a big accomplishment for me. I know it doesn't really sound like that much, but any activity makes me feel icky. So, it was really nice when my mom pointed out that I was doing ok in the middle of Target! Hopefully, that means the meds are starting to work.
I am a strong person. 
I can get better.
I will live the life I want to live. 
It is just a hard, long path. And that is very overwhelming. But I know, with lots of support, I can get through all of this crap!

I also got a couple of books today:


Now for a few random things I want to share.

The other night Ryan and I watched Dirty Dancing. I, of course, have seen it a million times, but Ryan hadn't seen it!

I forgot how great of a movie it is! 
It really has aged well!

And how can this scene not make you laugh! :)

Next thing:
The movie "Green With Envy"
Looks Great!!!

Finally, I just wanted to share a couple of things that have made me smile recently.


Behind the Scenes

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